Terms of service

    Service Description
    Drip.ma is a software development agency that builds MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) for non-technical founders and other software products sold as SaaS. Our process involves booking a meeting, discussing project requirements, defining the project scope, and delivering the MVP in slightly more or less than one month, depending on the project.

    User Responsibilities
    By using our services, you agree to provide accurate information during our consultations and to adhere to the agreed project scope and timelines.

    Payment Terms
    Payment terms are agreed upon during the initial call and typically involve 50% upfront and the remaining balance split across different milestones. No refunds are provided unless we fail to deliver the agreed project.

    Termination Conditions
    We reserve the right to terminate services if you violate these terms or if it becomes necessary to do so for security, legal, or operational reasons.

    Liability Limitations
    Drip.ma is not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of our services. Our liability is limited to the amount paid for the service.

    By using our services, you agree to these terms.